Why pH balanced Shampoo is important?

Get Manageable Hair after every hair wash with just one thing!

Have you ever noticed that your hair gets unmanageable on the day you wash your hair? But they set according to your hair type the next day! And that's the biggest reason you have to schedule your hair wash day with your plans.

But why does it happen? All the expensive advertisements with top notch models and actors promise to make your hair look the best right after wash but it fails to do so! Why? Let me tell you.

It’s all the game of pH!

What Is pH?

In chemicals, pH denotes power of hydrogen or potential of hydrogen.

pH is used to specify the acidity or basicity of any solution.

Acidic solutions have low pH values (less than 7) whereas Basic or Alkaline solutions have high pH values (more than 7).

Relation of pH and Hair

Every chemical substance needs to reach its neutral state to be in its Happy Place including our hair!

Yes you read it right. Even our hair & scalp have their pH which is 3.6 for Hair and 5.5 for scalp.

In order for your hair and scalp to be in their Happy Place, their pH must be balanced with whichever product you choose to expose your hair with.

Many of the shampoos in the market have higher pH values, that is, they are more alkaline in nature which doesn’t match with your hair’s natural pH that’s why your hair become temporarily alkaline when exposed to such alkaline products.

Alkaline nature causes friction between the hair fibres leading to cuticle damage, making our hair dry & frizzy that is hard to comb & feels gross.

The alkaline nature of such shampoos in shower causes the breakdown of keratin molecules which further causes hair to loose its shape & curl resulting in breakage.

Why pH Balanced Shampoo is important?

A pH-balanced shampoo ensures that the hair cuticles stay closed after you shower, preventing moisture loss and frizz.

It also prevents the scalp from producing too much oil after shampoo.

Just like the science behind hair pH, pH of water also matters.

If you use alkaline water with high pH also known as Hard Water to wash your hair, it will again disrupt the neutral state.

Then at least ensure using a pH balanced shampoo to minimize the frizz and dryness.


So now you know how important it is for your shampoo to be pH balanced and We, at Zoyla Herbal, have formulated the right pH balanced shampoo which is the ideal pH for both hair & scalp, giving your hair a smooth finish with every wash. Also, this shampoo is 100% Natural and sulphate free which acts as a cherry on the cake!

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